Legal Compliance
The Management of A. Silva Matos Equipamentos de Transporte, S.A. (ASMET) considers the Quality and Environment Management System essential for the accomplishment of its mission.
It is its commitment to continuously innovate to ensure the company’s competitiveness, through the supply of high-quality road tanks and semi-trailers, reducing the identified environmental impacts and the continuous improvement of the Quality and Environment Management System. It privileges excellence and increasing customer satisfaction, following a strategic orientation based on the following pillars:

Innovation and Research
ASMET intends to be an innovative and flexible company, reinforcing the involvement of all employees, suppliers and customers in search of innovative solutions, capable of ensuring the satisfaction of market demands and reducing consumption of natural resources.

Involvement and Qualification
Promote the commitment, professional qualification, personal fulfillment of its employees. It is also ASMET’s commitment to motivate and raise awareness among its employees for the adoption of good environmental practices in order to guarantee the protection of the environment.

Global Satisfaction
Bet on meeting the requirements of its customers, exceeding, if possible, their expectations and ensuring their loyalty to the company.

Partnership Relations
Maintain partnership and trust relations with its suppliers of materials and services, influencing them to comply with legal and other requirements that may have an impact on ASMET.

Legal Compliance
Ensure the identification of the compliance obligations applicable to the company, fulfilling and enforcing them, adopting conscious and responsible practices in cases where the legislation is silent or non-existent.
Quality, Environment and Safety
A. Silva Matos Equipamentos de Transporte, S.A is certified in the Quality and Environment Management System, according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 reference standards.
In August 2017, the transition to the new edition of the Quality standard, ISO 9001: 2015, was completed. This certification recognizes the organization’s efforts to ensure the conformity of its products, the satisfaction of its customers and continuous improvement.
Along with the transition to ISO 9001: 2015, A. Silva Matos Equipamentos de Transporte, S.A was also certified by the ISO 14001: 2015 standard, also concluding the process at the beginning of August. This renewal is based on the adoption of preventive actions to the occurrence of adverse impacts to the environment and taking a proactive stance in relation to environmental issues.
The continuous improvement of working conditions and the systematic reduction of occupational accidents are also fundamental concerns of A. Silva Matos Equipamentos de Transporte, SA The Health and Safety of its employees does not pass only through a set of methodologies, but through a way to be, to think and to act in a daily reality.
The structuring, development and implementation of the themes of Quality, Environment and Safety and Health at Work is for A. Silva Matos Equipamentos de Transporte, S.A the certainty of betting on a challenge that will contribute decisively to consolidate the Organization’s prestige with our partners.
Scope of the Management System
The A. Silva Matos Equipamentos de Transporte, SA (ASMET) Quality and Environment Management System applies to the “design, development, production, maintenance and legalization of cisterns on chassis and semi-trailers, for the transport and storage of hazardous materials, food and powdery ”.
Environmental aspects
The assessment of the consequences or interactions of a given company’s activities on the environment is a way to prevent environmental accidents from occurring and to achieve process improvement in order to minimize impacts on the environment.
A. Silva Matos Equipamentos de Transporte, S.A continuously identifies its environmental aspects that have an impact on the environment. Then it carries out the significance assessment in order to identify those that need to be managed and those that are not yet significant.
The following, are the significant environmental aspects of the company:

ISO 9001: 2015 and 14001: 2015 by TÜV Rheinland ID 9000008431